
How to Make Holiday Celebrations More Inclusive in the Workplace

Holiday celebrations at work can leave some employees feeling disconnected or excluded. Find out how to engage employees through inclusive activities.

19 December 2023
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What is it Like Being an Intern at Medline? A Second Take

What is it like being an intern at Medline? Read about Tuyen’s experience!

25 July 2023
65 view(s)

5 Ways to Prepare for the New Year of Work

New year, new me? I’m sure you’ve heard that many times over. But what about a new you at work? Learn how you can prepare to start this new year of work the right way.

20 January 2023
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5 Benefits of Charitable Giving for Employees and 5 Ways Companies Can Nurture this Practice

Learn what it means to be charitable, how employees can benefit and things companies can do to encourage the practice.

5 September 2022
91 view(s)

5 Benefits of Peer-To-Peer Recognition

Read more to find out the 5 benefits of peer-to-peer recognition.

25 August 2022
80 view(s)

The Power of Coaching (in the Workplace and Beyond)

Read more on why coaching in the workplace is important.

20 July 2022
68 view(s)

Pride Month: How to be an Ally at Work and the Benefits of Allyship

Explore how you can be an LGBTQIA+ ally at work and the benefits of allyship for everyone involved.

1 June 2022
453 view(s)

Labour Day, Then and Now

Let’s deep dive into how our observation of this day has changed over the years and its link to our focus on work-life balance.

4 May 2022
69 view(s)

Gender Bias and a World without It? – A Personal Take

Can we have a world without gender bias? Read this personal and professional take on the 2022 theme for International Women's Day.

31 March 2022
192 view(s)

What Is It Like Being Part of the Critical Care Team at Medline?

Behind the scenes: What is it like to go from being an ICU nurse to working at Medline?

2 March 2022
247 view(s)