Os profissionais de saúde têm muitos desafios todos os dias e a Medline pugna por tornar o seu trabalho mais fácil e ajudá-lo a ter um desempenho no seu melhor.
A Medline oferece recomendações e orientações para ajudar os prestadores de cuidados de saúde a lidar com problemas comuns na instalação. Iremos analisar as situações que possam ocorrer numa unidade de saúde e analisar o impacto que possam ter nos doentes, no pessoal e/ou na instalação. A Medline também explora a forma como podemos ajudá-lo a resolver e prevenir problemas, fornecendo conselhos e sugerindo soluções e produtos para doentes e colaboradores.
As nossas categorias da base de conhecimento estão disponíveis para que possa ficar a saber mais sobre as melhores práticas e diretrizes na comunidade médica.
Nossos principais temas

Escolhendo as luvas cirúrgicas e de exame corretas
Graças aos avanços da tecnologia, as luvas de exame e cirúrgicas de hoje têm mais funcionalidades e benefícios do que nunca. A Medline quer facilitar-lhe a vida para que possa avaliar todas as opções no mercado, para selecionar a luva e o material corretos.

Prevenção de quedas em hospitais
A prevenção de quedas pode ser enganosamente difícil e com a enorme quantidade de informações disponíveis, pode ser difícil saber por onde começar. Aqui poderá encontrar dicas e recomendações práticas para ajudar a evitar quedas no seu hospital.

Ventilator Associated Pneumonia Prevention
Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) is the most common infection amongst patients staying in the intensive care unit (ICU). Several techniques and precautions can help patients reduce the risk of developing VAP.
Read more about VAP

Sharps Safety
Sharp injuries occur when a needle or a blade accidentally penetrates the skin of a member of the staff. These injuries can have considerable risks and must be prevented.

Practising Safe Cold Therapy
Cold therapy works by applying cold to a particular area to reduce the inflammation and swelling. It needs to be practised with caution to avoid contaminated ice. Learn more about cold therapy and its benefits.
Read more about cold therapy

Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis (IAD)
IAD describes skin damage due to exposure to urine or faeces. It is important for healthcare professionals to know how to recognise and prevent IAD. Medline has collaborated with authors Karen Ousey and Louise O’Connor to address this challenging topic.
Read more about IAD

Influence of Biofilms in Wound Healing
Biofilms are groupings of one or more type(s) of microorganisms growing on the surface of a watery environment. Medline has collaborated with Professor Steven Percival to address the issue of biofilms and their role in wound healing.

It is important for caregivers to understand what may cause pressure ulcers in order to prevent them. An effective prevention programme can help lower mortality rates and the costs of care.

Clinician Hand Care
To ensure good patient care, healthcare professionals need to follow appropriate hygiene regulations, like frequent handwashing, which can cause skin irritation. It is important to raise awareness amongst the staff on how to improve skin condition and take good care of their hands.

How Advanced Skincare Could Help Improve Outcomes
Pour assurer la qualité des soins aux patients, les soignants doivent suivre des règles d’hygiène strictes, comme se laver les mains avant et après tout acte médical, ce qui peut provoquer une irritation cutanée. Il est important de sensibiliser le personnel sur la façon d’améliorer l’état de leur peau et de prendre soin de leurs mains.

Ultrasorbs Case Study
A recent study conducted by Wounds International in the United Kingdom and Germany showed that Medline’s ULTRASORBS AP Drypad was an effective solution for managing moisture and to increase patient comfort.
Read more about the study

Falls Prevention in Hospitals
Studies show that one in three individuals over the age of 65 will fall each year in the UK. To minimise the cost and consequences of falls, hospitals need to implement and respect high standards and guidelines for patient safety.
Read more about falls prevention