Medline Celebrates the Opening of Its New Facility in Slovakia with Employees

7 Mar

Production officially began on 28 February 2022 in our brand new manufacturing facility in Partizánske, Slovakia. Late last year, construction was completed on this massive project, representing an investment of €24 million. And since then, the facility passed the BSI audit and received the final official building approval. In early March, the last step in this project was completed: all production equipment was moved from our current site in Bánovce to Partizánske.


To celebrate the completion of this project and welcome our existing employees to our new site (and many new employees hired due to our expansion), Medline hosted both morning and afternoon receptions with sweets and refreshments. This also included speeches from Guillaume Monsallier (Senior Manufacturing Director Europe) and Alexis Avet-Rochex (Plant Director).


Thank you to everyone involved in making this project a success!