OR Necessities
Gold Standard items, like needle counters, transfer trays, scalpel holders, S.T.O.P.-flags supports initiatives from organizations, like World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or nurse associations, as EORNA*. Gold Standard products have a design which make best-practice techniques more intuitive.
Safety Deserves Attention
It is proven due to studies that the time-out verification using a surgical safety checklist recommended by the WHO will decrease surgical complications. The Medline S.T.O.P.-Flag will be used for the time-out immediately before starting the procedure.
Also important is the prevention of sharp injuries in the hospital. According to a presentation available from CDC, 68% of needle sticks are preventable¹. In the O.R. cuts/needle sticks occur in as many as 15% of the procedures, up to 16% of injuries occur while passing sharps.
The European Directive 2010/32/EU sets the minimum standards for preventing injuries to healthcare workers caused by sharps instruments².
Gold standard products have innovative safety features that promote:
- Correct-site surgery
- Sharps safety
- Compliance with European patient safety initiatives and European regulations
- Gold colour stands out among the typical blue and green draping products

* European Operating Room Nurses Association.
¹ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 'Preventing Needlesticks', Part III - Safe Work Practices, available at: http://www.cdc.gov/sharpssafety/PPT/4PreventingNeedlesticksPartIII.ppt
² www.europeanbiosafetynetwork.eu/resources